Policies & Procedures Manual
Currently enrolled ECCC students will be admitted to the regular season, on-campus athletic events free of charge with their valid student ID cards. Currently employed ECCC faculty, staff, and administration and one guest will be admitted to regular season, on-campus athletic events free of charge with their employee ID cards ( includes the employees of contracted service vendors for the College ). The administration of athletic scholarships, grants-in-aid, loans, and student employment shall be a part of the College’s regular institutional planning, budgeting, accounting, and auditing procedures. The Athletic Advisory Council is an ad-hoc committee of the College that promotes the principles of teamwork, cooperation, and the enhancement of individual physical and intellectual skills through collegiate study and intercollegiate competition. The council meets at the discretion of the Director of Athletics.
(Revised 6/14/11; Revised 6/14/16; Revised 11/14/17; Edited 9/21/18; Edited 7/14/21)
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