Policies & Procedures Manual
Policy No: 741.4
Policy Contact: Vice President for Instruction
All faculty members are required to spend a minimum of 30 clock hours per week in instruction, office, staff meetings, library or travel. During each work day, a faculty member must maintain at least five hours devoted to instruction, office, library or official travel. These hours must be between 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. (Lunch is not counted toward one’s duty hours.) All office hours are approved by the Vice President for Instruction and a copy of the schedule as posted for students on the instructor’s office door will be filed in the Vice President’s office. Office hours may be substituted with library hours. Approved travel will be substituted for days or hours of instruction or office hours missed during such absence. Failure to comply with daily or weekly minimum hours or failure to report missed classes or changes in class meeting times without prior approval of the appropriate Instructional Officer is subject to a penalty of loss of proportionate pay. All faculty* who are employed in post-secondary programs with a nine-month contract will begin their work year on the last registration day of the summer, and complete the work year after graduation in May.
Eleven-month contract faculty will work eleven calendar months, usually July 1 through May 31.
Twelve-month contract faculty will receive two full weeks vacation, scheduled at their request, between regular sessions and summer sessions.
Faculty will observe all school holidays.
The days between semesters that are required by the administration for grade recording, reporting, and general preparation for the coming semester are not to be considered as holidays or vacation. The College reserves the privilege of adjusting these days to meet the needs as they arise. No automatic entitlements are provided, and different offices or positions may be required to work different days. *For faculty reimbursed by the Mississippi Department of Education, Office of Career-Technical Education, specified days of the non-teaching time will be required for attendance at Postsecondary CTE Summer Conference when the conference falls outside the contract period. (Revised 6/8/10; Revised 11/12/13; Revised 4/12/16)
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