Policies & Procedures Manual
Policy No: 741.3
Policy Contact: Vice President for Instruction
Policy Title: ORGANIZATION OF THE FACULTY The faculty is organized into seven divisions: Healthcare Education Division; Communications Division; Fine Arts Division; Mathematics and Computer Science Division; Science Division; Social Science, Business Administration, and Education Division; and Career & Technical Education Division. Each division has a Dean/Director and/or Chairperson appointed to coordinate the instruction in that particular division. All Instructional Officers are under the administrative authority of the Vice President for Instruction. Open and regular channels of communication exist between the faculty, the Dean/Director and/or Chairpersons, and the Vice President for Instruction. However, individual faculty members are expected to consult with the appropriate Instructional Officer before contacting the Vice President for Instruction on matters pertaining to the instructional program. In addition, faculty members submit budgets, requests for purchases, recommendations for textbook changes, annual inventories etc., through their respective Instructional Officer. Each division meets periodically to make plans and revisions in the instructional program. Also, a number of faculty committees have been established and others are named from time to time to function in areas requiring interdivisional cooperation. The standing committees are named with a brief description of their duties elsewhere in this manual.
(Revised 11/12/13; Revised 4/12/16; Revised 8/9/16)
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