Policies & Procedures Manual


administrator completed by coworkers and counterparts, and his/her evaluation of the administrator. The evaluation form completed by the supervisor of the administrator, which will include the responses of the peer evaluators, will serve as the final evaluation form for the administrator. The supervisor and the administrator will sign the form verifying the meeting and review took place. The administrator will be provided with a copy of the evaluation form at the conclusion of the meeting for his/her record and for future planning purposes. Performance evaluations of administrators should be completed by mid-March each year. Upon completion of the meeting to discuss the administrator’s annual performance evaluation, the supervisor will pass the evaluation form, confidentially, to the President for review. In early April each year, the President will inform the Board of Trustees of those administrators who will be re-employed during the next fiscal year. Administrators not recommended for re-employment are to be notified by April 1. Failure to provide this notice of non-renewal on or before April 1 does not provide any rights to a contracted employee for a subsequent year. Employment contracts are issued to administrators for the next fiscal year after the final adoption of the budget for the forthcoming fiscal year by the Board of Trustees.

Step 6.

Step 7.

Step 8.


Regular Evaluation of Faculty

Comprehensive Standard 6.3 of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) states that the institution must publish and implement policies regarding the regular evaluation of faculty members, regardless of contract or tenure status. The College publishes the applicable controlling policy, Policy 731, as part of the Policy and Procedures Manual that is linked on the first landing page of the public College website at www.eccc.edu. Implementation is accomplished as follows.

Full-Time Faculty

By the spring semester of each year, all full-time faculty are asked to respond to a Statement of Intention to determine those who wish to return for the next session. Following submission of Statements of Intention, the appropriate Dean/Director/Division Chair schedules meetings with each full-time faculty member to discuss and review annual performance. Data supporting the review may include, depending on applicability and availability and at the discretion of the Dean/Director/Division Chair, professional development activities, student feedback via an annual student evaluation of instructor process, program enrollment, labor market outcomes, state or industry standard assessments, student learning and achievement outcomes, and additional suitable instruments. Classroom evaluation takes place, but on a rotating basis – not every full-time faculty member undergoes classroom evaluation/observation every year. Classroom evaluation information may also be included in the review, according to availability and the discretion of the Dean/Director/Division Chair. For each full-time faculty member, the product of the meeting is a final evaluation form, completed by the Dean/Director/Division chair, forwarded to the Vice President for Instruction for review, and considered by the President in recommending, to the Board of Trustees, re-employment of faculty for the subsequent academic year. Faculty members not recommended for re-employment are to be notified by April 1. Employment contracts are issued to full-time faculty for the next session after the final adoption of the budget for the forthcoming year by the Board of Trustees.

Adjunct Faculty

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