Policies & Procedures Manual
All adjunct faculty, regardless of location or mode of instruction (including dual credit), are subject to (a) student feedback via an annual college-wide student evaluation of instructor process, and/or (b) classroom evaluation according to a sampling process. Not every adjunct instructor undergoes classroom evaluation every year. The appropriate Dean/Director/Division Chair completes classroom evaluations of adjunct instructors according to an annual sample. Based on these data points, plus additional discretionary suitable instruments, the appropriate Dean/Director/Division Chair communicates with the Vice President of Instruction regarding retention and re-employment of adjunct faculty. Adjunct faculty do not execute annual contracts. Performance Evaluations of Professional Staff and Support Staff Comprehensive Standard 3.2.9 of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) states that the institution must publish policies regarding the evaluation of all personnel. In early January each year, all full-time professional staff and support staff are asked to respond to a Statement of Intention to determine those who wish to return for the next fiscal year. Once those are received, a performance evaluation of staff will begin as described below: In early April, all full-time professional staff and support staff are provided a Self Evaluation Form and their respective supervisor is provided an appropriate staff evaluation form. D. Step 1. In mid-April, the supervisor will schedule a time to meet and discuss the staff member’s annual performance evaluation. At this meeting, the supervisor who completes the annual performance evaluation will review with the staff member the self-evaluation of the staff member as well as his/her evaluation of the staff member. The evaluation form completed by the supervisor will serve as the final evaluation form of the staff member. The supervisor and the staff member will sign the form verifying the meeting and review took place. The staff member will be provided with a copy of the evaluation form at the conclusion of the meeting for his/her record and for future planning purposes. Upon completion of the meeting to discuss the staff member’s annual performance evaluation, the supervisor will pass the evaluation form, confidentially, to the next administrator in the organizational system, until the President finally receives each evaluation. Performance evaluations of full-time professional staff and support staff should be completed by late April each year. In early May each year, the President will inform the Board of Trustees of those professional staff who will be re-employed during the next fiscal year. Professional staff and support staff not re-employed are to be notified by May 1. Staff Salary Records are issued to full-time professional staff and support staff after the final adoption of the budget for the forthcoming fiscal year by the Board of Trustees. Step 3. Step 4. Step 5. Step 6. Step 2.
(Revised 11/9/10; Revised 2/11/14; Reviewed 6/14/16; Revised 12/11/19; Revised 11/9/21)
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