Policies & Procedures Manual
Policy No: 714
Policy Contact: Vice President for Business Operations
The East Central Community College administration and faculty subscribes to the following code of ethics: I. Their commitments to the student 1. To deal considerably and justly with every student; 2. To seek to provide the optimum learning facilities and opportunities; 3. To encourage the study of controversial issues within the instructor’s area of competence when such topics are appropriate to learning. Their commitments to the community 1. To share responsibility for improving the educational opportunities for all; 2. To support appropriate public participation in the formulation of educational policy; 3. To acknowledge the chief executive officer as an official spokesman for the educational institution and the professional organization as an authorized voice of the profession; 4 . To engage in scholarly criticism and evaluation of education, but avoid destructive or vindictive public statements which undermine the public trust in professional colleagues; 5. To use the educational facilities provided by the governing board for professional purposes; 6. To assume full political and citizenship responsibilities, to refrain from exercising his/her institutional privileges to promote political candidates or partisan political activities; 7. To protect the educational program against infringement by undesirable interests; To disclose through proper channels, without fear or favor, misconduct of its members which is clearly detrimental to the profession and to protect the ranks of the profession from those deficient in morals, standards, or ability; 3. To implement policies of the governing board and profession fairly, placing the interests of education above personal preference; 4. To support their institution, their colleagues, and their profession; 5. To become involved in individual problems of colleagues only when so authorized by accepted policy or when so requested; 6. To assign no professional duties to nonprofessional personnel except as approved by appropriate legal authority; 7. To continue professional growth by all appropriate means, but only to seek formal recognition for advanced academic study conducted at properly recognized and accredited institutions of higher learning; 8. To make appropriate use of released time granted for professional growth purposes; 9. To interpret and use the writings of others and the findings of educational research with intellectual honesty, limiting the inferences to conclusions fully justified by the data; 10. To respect the copyright laws in the use of educational material; 11. To cooperate in orientation of student teachers, interns, and colleagues new to the system or profession. II. III. Their commitments to the profession 1. To recognize that a profession must accept responsibility for the conduct of its members and to understand that their conduct may be regarded as representative of the members of the profession; 2.
(Reviewed 6/14/16)
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