Policies & Procedures Manual


Policy No: 707

Policy Contact: Vice President for Business Operations


Full-time administrative, faculty, professional staff, and administrative support staff vacancies at East Central Community College will be publicly declared open through an approved Position Opening Announcement (POA). Vacancies at the College are posted internally for seven (7) calendar days so that internal employees have an opportunity to request promotion or transfer before the vacancy is open externally to the public. For more information on promotion and transfers, please refer to Policy No. 706 PROMOTION AND TRANSFERS. Should no request for internal promotion or transfer be made or no request for internal promotion or transfer be approved, the POA will be made public on the college’s website and will remain open for an additional fourteen (14) calendar days to allow external applicants to apply before the screening and selection process begins. The twenty-one (21) day period for receiving and/or updating applications will be waived only upon the authority of the President. Should no applications from qualified applicants be received or no recommendation for employment be made by the Selection and Interview Committee, the position will be declared “Open until Filled” and applications will continue to be received for the position and considered by the Selection and Interview Committee as they are received. In an emergency and/or special needs circumstance, full-time temporary or interim employees may be recommended to fill a position by the appropriate administrator to the President for approval without following the appropriate policy on Appointments and Employment Procedures. For more information on Full-time Temporary or Interim Employees, please refer to Policy 700, Personnel Classifications. In addition, upon approval from the President, the recruitment process for full-time grant-funded positions may be expedited to allow for internal and external advertisements to run concurrently. Also, the selection and interview process may be expedited so that applicants may be interviewed immediately.

(Revised 12/17/13; Revised 6/14/16; Revised 6/13/17; Revised 8/10/21)

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