Policies & Procedures Manual
Policy No: 706
Policy Contact: Vice President for Business Operation
Policy Title: PROMOTION AND TRANSFERS The Board looks with favor upon the promotion and transfer of all employees who have performed in a satisfactory manner and who are qualified for the position. Therefore, vacancies at the College are posted for seven (7) calendar days via the College web site so that internal employees have an opportunity to request promotion or transfer before the vacancy is open externally to the public. To be eligible to apply for a posted vacancy, employees must meet the qualification and experience requirements for the position and be in good standing at the College. In addition, the employing supervisor must be in agreement before the promotion or transfer can occur. The request must also be approved by the President, and if applicable, the Board of Trustees. If the employing supervisor is not in agreement regarding the employee’s request for a transfer or promotion, the position will be advertised externally according to the timeframe established by the College. In this case, the employee may still submit a request to be considered with all other applicants for the position. Part-time, adjunct, temporary, and interim employees are eligible for internal promotion or transfer and must submit an application for the position when it is advertised internally. If two or more employees request a promotion or transfer to the same position and both the employing supervisor and the current supervisor are in agreement regarding the employees’ requests for a transfer or promotion, interviews are conducted and the process for hiring is followed. If a part-time, adjunct, temporary, or interim employee applies for an open position, interviews are conducted and the process for hiring is followed. Extenuating circumstances may require transfers within the College. Employees agree and understand that he/she may be transferred to any other position and/or other location as required for the operation of the College. (Revised 8/14/07; Revised 9/13/11; Revised 12/17/13; Reviewed 6/14/16; Revised 6/13/17; Revised 08/10/2021) (Cross reference: Appointments and Employment Procedures for Faculty – Policy 702; Appointments and Employment Procedures for Administrators – Policy 701; Appointments and Employment Procedures for Non-Teaching Professional Staff and Support Staff – Policy 703; Appointments and Employment Procedures for Non-Teaching Institutional Support Staff – Hourly Personnel – Policy 704.)
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