Policies & Procedures Manual


with maintaining a state of readiness to respond. This preparedness begins with fire alarms, smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, and the use of fire drills. During rounds smoke detectors and fire alarms should be checked in the dormitories and buildings on campus. Fire extinguishers should be checked to see that they are operating correctly. If something is found out of order, the Vice President for Student Services, the Dean of Students, the Director of Housing/Student Activities, and the Superintendent of the Physical Plant should be notified. A planned method of evacuation is implemented in each dormitory. Campus Police and maintenance personnel are responsible for reporting burned out or broken interior or exterior lights on campus. Bomb Threats Immediately on notification of a bomb threat from any source, the President, will be notified. The course of action will depend on the prevailing conditions. Anyone in the College receiving any information indicating the possibility of a bomb being planted on campus will notify the President. A set of instructions for the person first informed is included in the appendix. Procedures which should be followed are: 1. Take action as directed by the President. 2. Call 911. The sheriff’s office will call the appropriate bomb squad. 3. Local civil defense or law enforcement agencies will conduct a search for the bomb. If necessary, buildings will evacuate at the discretion of the President through the Warrior Alert System. All personnel, when evacuated, will be moved a reasonable distance for their safety. 4. Report the facts of this search to the President. 5. Provide a brief report of the incident on the Bomb Threat Report, and also fill out an Incident Report, which can be found in the Vice President for Student Services’ Office. Identifying times of occurring activities is vital. Time of the threat and who received it; time of notification to the President, time of Sheriff’s notification; arrival time of civil defense authorities; beginning and ending times of the search and the results thereof; and the time normal operation was resumed. The form for reporting a bomb threat is included in the appendix. Missing Students Procedures As required by federal law, ECCC has established the following policies and procedures to address situations when a student who resides in on-campus housing is determined to have been missing for 24 hours. This policy applies only to students who reside in ECCC’s on-campus housing, which is defined as housing that is owned or controlled by ECCC or located on property that is owned or controlled by ECCC. The policy does not apply to students residing in apartments or other residences not leased or licensed from ECCC. Definition of a Missing Student: A student is considered to be “missing” when a student who resides in on-campus housing has been absent from ECCC for more than 24 hours without any known reason. Reporting Missing Students: All reports of missing students should be directed to the ECCC Police Department, the Dean of Students, or the Director of Housing/Student Activities. Any reports made to the Dean of Students or the Director of Housing/Student Activities will be referred immediately to the ECCC Police Department. Designation of a Contact Person: All students who apply for student housing must designate on their application for housing a contact person whom ECCC will notify within 24 hours of the determination that the student is missing. The Director of Housing/Student Activities will keep information about a student’s designated contact person confidential. The information will be disclosed only to authorized

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