Policies & Procedures Manual
A. Remain on standby alert so that all personnel under the Vice President for Business Operations’ supervision can report to him. B. Give maintenance staff instructions. Dean of Students and Director of Housing/Student Activities A. Notify dormitory supervisors to keep students inside buildings and to remain on standby alert. B. Recognize that the best protected areas in most buildings will be on the ground floor in the center of the building, in the smallest rooms or the hallways. The tornado plan will be initiated by the President or one of the members of the Executive Council. When the danger period is over an all-clear announcement will be made through the Warrior Alert system. Fire-Related Emergency While every effort has been made in the construction and maintenance of the facilities of ECCC to reduce fire hazards, there is the ever-present potential of careless persons, faulty wiring, severe weather, lightning, or wind, which are capable of starting fires. In the event of fire in or near a building, the appointed representative of that facility or his designated personnel, shall: 1. Instruct that the following calls be made: V.
Decatur Fire Department – 635-3555 Newton Fire Department – 683-6707 Decatur City Police – 635-3555 Newton County Sheriff’s Office - 635-2101
2. Attempt to contain the fire. Close all doors to prevent drafts and cut off oxygen to fire;
3. Attempt to put the fire out. Know the location of and how to operate the fire-fighting equipment in the building. Be sure that all personnel in the building are familiar with the equipment;
4. Warrior Alert will be used to notify people to evacuate the building.
Each staff member (office and faculty member) shall: 1. Identify the alarm for students and others that may be in the building and not familiar with the alerting procedures; 2. Supervise the students and others during building evacuation; 3. See that all windows and doors are closed; 4. Carry any vital or essential records when leaving the building; 5. Report to the assigned area for assembly near the building; 6. Keep all students and others that may be in the building and not familiar with the alerting procedures; 7. Make an accurate check of those in the building and report any person missing from the evacuated group; and 8. Remain calm. There needs to be two lines of defense against the danger that fire may ravage the college grounds. The first line consists of all those things under the heading of fire prevention. The second line of defense is fire preparedness. Security and the physical plant personnel share in this responsibility. Fire prevention starts with careful inspection of the physical plant premises, which entails finding fire hazards and eliminating them. The physical plant should be checked regularly for such things as wiring, boiler rooms, fuel storage areas, trash and refuge areas, etc. The dormitory areas should also be checked. Fire preparedness begins
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