Newspaper Clippings
Receive EC]C Basketball Awards Warriorette basketball awards were presented at the East Central Jr. College Athletic Banquet to: (left to right) JoAnn Earnest of Forest, Best Rebound Average, Best Defensive Player, Most Improved Player, HonorableMention All-state; Debbie McBeath of Union, Best Offensive Player, Pennanent Team Captain, AU-state Team, All-Region 7· ~ -Tina Tumbling of Newton, Warriorette Award and Pennanent Captain; Sandra Johnson of Sebastopol, Pennanent Team Captain and TUIT Award; SheBa Welch of De~atur, Best Free Throw per centage aDd Best Field Goal percentage. / /
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Ltd -~-----::-- NEWTON RECORD ----- MERIDIAN STAR ------ CLP,RION-LEDGER______ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES______ UNIOi'J,~PPE,£\L ___ _____ SPIHIT OF MORTON_______ IMPACT_____________
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