Newspaper Clippings
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THE CARTHAGINIAN, Carthage, Miss~, Aprill6, 1981
Inking With ECJC
the State 88 Championship this with a rec:ord of 38- 1 and led their NCim to the state tournaments the last th,.. years. The team won 9 tournament championships this year.
South Leake Wildkittens Dorothy Jack– son, Ina lloodsaw and Stephanie Town– send recently signed grant-in-aid basketball scholarships with East Central Junior College. Thet trio led their team to
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LAi NE\.i'JTOi'l RECORD______ SCOTT COUNTY TlrA::S______ !VIERIDIAN STAR_______ UNl ON .e..PPE.I\L_ ___ _ ____ CLARION-LEDGER______ \ht u, .. 1 ,, IIY\ ~ SPlRlT OF MORTON_______ IMPACT___________
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