Newspaper Clippings
- of Hickory scored 2 points. I n t he me n's game, George Gray of La ke was highest scorer wit h 22 points. He was followed by Mike Shirley of Morton with 21 po in ts , Mike Harvey .of Edinburg and Mike Gra ves of Decatur, GA wtth 14 points each, aDd Aubry Cox of Carthage wtth 10 points.
ECJC Teams lEnd Season East Central Jr. College spilt with Utica Jr. College on February 10 In the last regular game of the season. CoachWood' s Warriorettes lost to Utica 58-70. Coach Robinson's Warriors were behind two points a t half– time , but came back second halt to win 81-80. Debb ie Mc Beath of Unlon scored 22 points, Sheila Welch of Decatur scored 18 points, Jo Ann Earnest of Forest scored 16 points a nd Debora Phillips
February 25, 1981 SCOTT Q()UNTY TIMES
LAI NEWTON RECORD__ -:y-.;;.::_ _ _ _ MERIDIAN STJ\R ·------- CLP1R ION-LEDGER_____ _ _ SPIRIT OF MORTON_______ IMPACT______ ____________
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