Newspaper Clippings
ECJC Teams Travel To Perkinston Eut Central J aaior College blskettwll teams traveled to Gulf Coast Junior College at PerkiDston recently. Warriorettes, coached by Ludlle Wood, lost to the Bulldogs, 67-73. Warrior s, coacbed by Herman Robinlon, won with a score of 56-62. Debbie McBeath of Union was highest scorer wttb 19 points. Sheila Welch of Decatur scored 15 points, Jo Ann Earnest of Forest ICOred 12 and Debora Phillips of Hickory scored 10 points. Michael Shirley was highest scorer for the Warriors with 15 points followed by Mike Harvey of Edinbur g and Aubry Cox of carthage with 14 points each. Thursday both teams hosted the Bobcats of Jones Junior College. The Warriorettes won, 80-79 while the Warriors lost, 71-103.
.Debbie was highest scorer with 24 points followed by Sandra Edwanb of Philadelphia and Shelia Welch with 16 points each, and Debora Phillips with 13pojnts Linda Dorty of Jones JWlio; Co~ege SCored 42 of their 79 pomts. Aubry Cox was bighest ~rer against the Bobcats With 36 points. Entertainment at half-time for both games was the " l' Little ~et" drill team f,:: the third grade at Neshoba Centr~ Elementary. The drill team IS coached by Bobby Luke.
January 22 , 1981 ,
LJ\l NE\.JVTON RECORD,______ SCOTT COUi\JTY TIMES______ MER!DIAN STAR,_______ UNION APPE.L\L_________ C\P,RION-LEDGER______ SP!HIT OF MORTON_______ IMPACT____________________
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