Newspaper Clippings
AtDecotur... East Central to meet Pearl River Dec. 8
Bobcats of Jones Jr. CoDep in Ellisville. The Warrioret– tes were defeated 79-95. Highest scorers were Sheila Welch with 21 points and Debbie McBeath with 20 points. Highest scorer for Jones was Linda Darty with 21 points. The Warriors were defeat. ed by Jones with a score of 91-101. Highest sc:oren far East Central were Aubrey Co• with 24 points and Mike Shirley of Morton with 21 points. Stanley Ward wu hipest scorer for Jones with 24points. On December 8 the Warriors and Warriorettes will meet Pearl River Jr. College on the East Central campus. Then on December 11 they will. play Gulf Coast Jr. CoiJeae on the East Central campua. Game time for both nights 116:30.
Both the East Central Jllllior CoUege Warriors and Warriorettes defeated the Eqles of Meridian Jr. CoUep on November 17 in Meridian. The Warriorettes won with a score of 77-64, wbUe the Warriors won their same by a two point margin of69-67. Hiahest scorers for East Central in the Warriorettes c.;as Sheila Welch of with 30 points and Debbie McBeath of Union with 24 points. Meridian' s bipest scorer was Lisa Morton with 18 points. Highest scorer for East Ceatral in the Men's game was Aubrey Co• of Carthage with 19 points. Benjamin Bad from Meridian Jr. Colleae was their iliahest sc:orer with 22 points. 1 On November 20, both teams were defeated by the
Novembe r 25 , 1980 , UNION APPEAL
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