Newspaper Clippings
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48-The Newton Record, AprU ll, 1981
,, ...A.t ECJC's '80-'81 Baseball Team
and Sandra Edwards of Philadelphia; third rO\\ - Randell Lee of Little Rock, Todd Wall of Decatur, John Barham of Ph1ladelphia, Coach Freeman Hor ton, Steve Thoma' of Union, Bobby Butler of Philadelphia and Rickey Chesney of Lit – tle Rock. Warriors fi nished with an 8-15 over-all record.
The East Central Jr. College baseball team and bat girls for the '80-'8 1 season are: {seated, left ~o right - Terry Burns of Jonesboro, Ga., Dav1d Gressett of Chunky, Jay Jones of Forest; second row - Tina Tumbling of Newton, Kent Moore of Waynesboro, Jim Kennamer of New Hope, Ala., Jerry Holt of Hickory, Nelson Triplett of Louisville, Rickey Hornesburger of Noxapater
U\! i'JESHOBA D~iVlO C R;\T --- -- NEWTON RECORD /" ---'"----- MERIDIAN STAR ----- -- CLP,RION-LEDGER --- - - --
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