Newspaper Clippings
While at Philadelphia High School hewas awarded many athletic and scholastic hon– ors. He was All-Conference football in '79-80 and again tn •8()-81; Head Hunter Award in 1979-80; most valuable player on defense 1~1; MVP in baseball 1979-80; is in Who's Who Among American High School Students in junior and senior year; m Who's Who Among Future Business Leaders of America. He was elected Mr. Philadelphia High andwas on the Superintendent's List, mamtaining a 95-100 average. Ken is the grandsOn of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Freeny of the Standing Pine commun– ity and Mrs. Maggie Wallace ofCarthage.
Ken Wallace Signs With ECJC Ken Wall son ofM ace, 17-year-old r. ar.dMrs H \Yallace of Philad~l hi~ywood s1gned fo ~ P a, has ship at ~~t ~ball scholar- College. He al ntral ~unior scholastic scho~;h%~1ved a
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