Newspaper Clippings
EC football tryouts begin March 6th Spring training for the 1981 -82 football team at East Central Jr. College began January 26 and will end March 1. Thirt) -three Fresh– men are out for training, working on basiC fundamen– tals. They traveled to Delta Jr. College on Febr~ary 5 for the first of two !ltnmmages with Delta. Ken Pouncey is head foot– ball coach for the Warriors. David Bradberry coaches ~he offensive and defenstve backs and freeman Horton coaches ~fensive ends and linebacks. Coach Pouncey stated that March 6 has been set aside for high school football try· outs. Seniors from the Dt~trict who are interested tn attending East Central wiJI be on campus on this date for a workout.
February 11 , 1 981 , UNION APPEAL
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