Newspaper Clippings
JC At Home, EMJC On Road ull Slate In JC Conference Tonight
Coahoma vs . Northeast at Booneville, Hinds at Mississippi Delta, Holmes at Senatobia against Ray Poole's Northwest squad and Gulf Coast at Summit pfaying Southwest. The Saturday night game pits Jones of EllisvilJe against Pearl River at Watkins Stadium in Laurel. "We played a real good foot– ball team last week," said Pouncey assessing his Warriors' 10-7 loss to powerful Holmes at Goodman. ' 'And, we'll be playing another fine team at home this week. Co– Lin is one of the better teams in the state. They have probably more speed than any team we'll face this season. Great wide receivers and a quarterback who can do it all." Pouncey was SpP.aking of the Wolves' talented signal caller, Bryan Fine, a transfer from In– diana whose passes stood Nor– theast on its ear, 36-14, last
week. Having played on Thursday last week, Pouncey scouted the Wolves. ''I would say they game, plus linebackers Bob Yarbrough and Raymond Alley and nose guard Andy Johns for thei r contributions against Holmes. EMJC is one of three North teams which stands 1-0, but 0-0 in divis ion results. The others are Holmes and Itawamba. Nor– theast, Mississippi Delta, Nor– thwest and Coahoma are all o-1. In the South, Co-Lin, Gulf Coast, Jones and Pearl River all sport 1-0 overall marks while Hinds and Southwest, along with East Central, are winless after one week of play. East Mississippi had a hard– fought battle against Southwest a week ago and head coach Ran– dle Bradberry expects another tough one Thursday. Itawamba looked good in win– mng last week and the Indians w1Jl have the added advantage of playing before their home fans. By RAY NARRO Star Sports Writer ek No . 2 of the 1981 issippi Junior College foot– campaign comes up early ost of the state's teams . re is only one game slated turday while the rest of the plays Thursday night, in– g some interesting mat– . in both North and South ion play. p and talented Copiah– oln of Wesson invades tur for a Thursday evening e with Ken Pouncey's East al Warriors for the lone in the immediate Meri– a rea. t Mississippi of Scooba, from a 15-7 win over west last Thursday night .oba. travels to Fulton to 1 unpredictable Itawamba t:-:>- North Division contest. t r Thursday night games d the JuCo circuit find THE :\IERIDIA~ STAR _ _ _ Thursday. September 10, 1981 APPE.~RED 11\J: LPd i'JESHOBA DEMOCRAT ----- NE'WTON RECORD - - - ---- ____ ~ IVIERIDIAN STAR --.:-. CLARION-LEDGER ------- IMPACT ------------------
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