Newspaper Clippings
September 14, 1983, The Newton Record- 9A
Cheering Squad At ECJC
Cheering the East Central Junior College Warrior football team in its 28-0 victory over Coahoma Junior College in last week's season opener were the ECJC 1983-84 cheerleaders. Members of the squad are: (left to right) Teresa Freeny, dau_ghter o f Mr. and Mrs. James L. Freeny of Carthage and a sophomore majoring in secondary education; Angela Smith, daughter of Shirley Jean Smith of Decatur and a freshman majoring in elementary education; Anita Hatcher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Hatcher o f Louisville and a sophomore maJOrmg in secretarial science; Denise Cumberland, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cumberland of Newton and a sophomore majoring in elementary education; Susan Wall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elton Wall of Union and a freshman majoring in pre-med; Nina Glaze, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry A. Glaze of Newton and a sophomore majoring in home economics; Wanda Ezell. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melbourne E1ell of Decatur and a freshman majoring ;n business administration; a nd Kathy Reeves , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Reeves of Newton and a freshman majoring in elementary education .
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