Newspaper Clippings

5 \ 983

Wednesday , January ,

Continued From Page t 0

roared back.

Hosts Win Pair

With just over a minute to play rese r ve gua r d Mary Roeb'uck hit a pair of free tosses. Seconds later Marilyn Peterson hit the front end of a one-an~-one to make the score 101-99 wtth 35 seconds left to play. In the closing seconds, each

EM Coach Burns After Loss At EC

"Everybody did their job. team turned the ba ll over once "We're just glad to win the and each missed one-and-one op– first game after the break. I portunities. However , the Lady think it'll give us a boost. " Lions had one last chance to wm " I was pleased with (Melody) it with three seconds on th; Parker. It was the first time clock, but Buckhalter couldn t she's played (because of a knee handle the inbounds pass from injury)." Cindy Ducksworth.

By Andy Clay The Meridian Star

DECATUR - Don Cunn– ingham isn't usa!ly one to com– plain about officiating. But the past two days have not been usual. Cunningham's East Mississip– pi Junior College Lady Lions had their dormitory burn Mon– day night with all the uniforms inside. Playing in new physical education uniforms, they drop– ped a 101-99 double overtime decision to host East Central. " A real bad call on a charging really hurt us," Cunningham said. " U the correct call had been made, we' d have won the game. The official called a char ge on Yoke

Scott hit a pair of one-and-one free throws with 44 seconds left in regulation time to tie the s core at 79 -79 . Briddgett Winstead's 25-footer bounced off the rim with two seconds left as the game went into overtime. The two teams swapped points in the first five-minute over– time, with neither team leading by more than three points. Following the charging call on Scott, Mattie Burnside hit both ends of a one-and-one to give ECJC a 90-88 lead. However, Mattie Buckhalter hit a basket with four seconds left in the overtime to tie the score at 90-90. The Lady Lions entered the se– cond overtime with four players having fouled out to one for East Central. The Lady Warriors built a five-point lead midway through the period at 101-96 on Dorothy Jackson's basket, but EMJC See • BURNS, Page 3D

Burnside paced Eas~ Centr~l. 7-7 overall, with 35 pomts while P am Coleman added 24 and St,ephanie Townsend 10. Scott led the 7-4 Lady Lions with 30 points and Buckhalter added 18, Gloria Perry 17 and Winstead 12. • In the men's game, E ast Cen- tral took a 72-69 decision. "Both teams were pretty bad out of shape," said ~CJC coa~h Steve Rives. "We h1t some b1g shots down the stretch.

Anderson bit a parr throws to close the 2ap but Gilliland put the "t!ame.,.

with a pair of rree t eight seconds lest m


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