Newspaper Clippings

THE EAST CENTRAL JUNIOR COLLEGE WOMEN'S BASKETBALL TEAM will open their aeaaon at home thia year on Monday, November 8th, against Meridian Junior College. Game time ie 6:30 p.m. Members of the team are: (first row, left to right) JeD.Difer Hatcher ofLouievllle, Jo BloodaawofLena, Angie Ryals of Louisville, Stephanie Town~~end of Lena, and Pam Coleman of Carthage; (aecond row, left to right) Dorothy Jacbon of Walnut Grove, Angie WUb of Forest, Paula Rogers of Louisville, Dayna WUilam80n of PhDadelpbia, and Earlene Moore of Lake; and (third row, left to ri1ht) manager Timmy Bunter of Sebutopol, Melody Parker ofSebastopol, MaUle Burnside of Nuapater, Auguste Bard.ney of Walnut Grove, Brenda Cook of Carthage and manager Eltorry Ficklin ofMorton. The ECJC Warrlorettes are c:oached by Lucllle Wood.

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