Newspaper Clippings
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Bo Eva ns-. sophomore tatlback from Hickory was East Cent ral's leadtng ground gainer with 100 vards in 23 carries . Wamsley.gain– ed 71 in five carries while Loyce Hardy. sophomore runrung back from Newton. carried six times for 22 yards. Gallaspy carried one ttme to gain 18 yards. East Central gained a total of 200 yards m rushmg for the game with 11 first downs. Quarterback Powell com. pleted seven of tus 11 a ttemp– ted passes to gam 111 of the 123 yards gained byEast Cen– tral m passing. Punters David Gallaspy and Lex Rtchardson averag. ed 53.5 y'\rds and 36.5 yards respectively m kicking and puntmg. East Central's next home game is Saturday, Sept. 24 h n they pia) host to Coptah-Lincoln Junior Col· lege. Game time is 7:30 p m. on the Wamor field .
ECJC Defeats Coahoma In Season Opener
on tl'w Warnor field in Decatur Sept 3. East Central's vaunted defense held coahoma to 103 total yards on offense. and forced three fumbles. ptcked off tv.-o passes and blocked one punt Wayne Suttle, sophomore defensive back from Centerville, AL . ptcked off t'-''0 passes in addttton to three solo tackles and three assists while Leroy Bowden, sophomore linebacker from Centerville. AL blocked a punt and recovered a fumble with his seven solo tackles a nd six assists . Other outstanding defensive umt plavers were Arthur Mc~1illan of ~e'Nton who had six solo tackles and stx assists. Willie Sangster of Louisville who blocked a punt, Harry Hall of Nox– apater with a fumble recovery and Julius Ferrell of Carthage with a fumble recoverv.
Ea_tCentral J umor College defeated Coahoma Jumor Colleee 28-0 m the football seasoo ol)ener !or both teams
The two juruor college teams fought to a scoreless deadlock m the fU"St quarter but East Central exploded m the second quarter scon ng its four touchdo\\'11S and field goal all m thiS penod Percv Johnson, 'Ophomore wt~ receiver from bane\ L\ scored tv.1ce on pa3~ei 'rrom Stacy Pov. ell, sophomore quarterbac!. from Gretna LA PO\\ell :.cored agam on a one yard rJ.D and \ ~ Warnsle' , a freshman ta ilback from furton 'll.ent over the goal line from two yards out. A 32 rard f•eld goal from Dand Galla'p) , sophomore Wlde receh·er from Decatur netted the \\ ar· ore: an additional three pomts to brUlR the total o 28 ~
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