Newspaper Clippings
THE CARTHAGINIAN, C!rtba&'e· Miss., Aug. 11, 1983 ..
EC Warriors Grid Season
Begins Sept. 3 On August 12 the East Cen tral Junior College football team will begin work to prepare for the 1983 football season Approximately 70 players are exp-!cted to report to the campus on the 11th ~ith practice to begin oo the morning of the 12th. Ac– cording to A. J . Kilpatrick, bead football coach beginn– ing his second season at EC. JC, twenty-eight members of the squad will be returning lettermen, twenty members will be freshmen, and another twenty six are ex– pected to try out for positions on the team during the pre– season practice. Coach Kilpatrick has released the 1983 ECJC foot– ball schedule as follows: Sept 3 Coahoma ~tur Sept. IOGu!I Coast Pertuutoo Sept 17Sortheast ~tur Sept 24Copiah-Lincoln ~tur Sept. 29l:lolmes Goodman Oct 8 Pearl River Poplarv!Ue Oct. t5 Hinds• Decatur Oct 20 Delta Moorhead Oct. 29 Jooes Elliavllle Nov. 5 Southwest Decatur Homecoming•
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