Newspaper Clippings
August 11, 1982, The Newton Record-
Coach Krlpatrid. ha' released the 191!2 FCJC' foothall schedule a~ follO\~s: Sept. 4
ECJC 1982 Football Schedule On Auj!U\t 13 the E:l\t Central Junior College lootball team "ill begm "or~ to prepare lor the football 'ea,on. 1 he player' "ill report bct"ecn 9 and 10 a.m. "ith the first rracticc beginnmg at 'p.m. according to head football coach. A . .I Kilpatrick. He said. " I am :uuicip::uing 65-70 player~ and am looking forward to a good year."
Coahoma GulfCoaM Northeast
Sept. 11 Sept. 16 (Thur~ ) Sepl. 25
Coprah-Lincoln Holmes Pearl River (Homecoming) Hrnd'
T li II ., H II
Oct. 2 Oct 9
Oct. 16 Oct. 23 Oct. 30 Nov. 6
Delta Jone' Southwest
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