Newspaper Clippings
September 8, 1982, The Newton Record
1982-83 ECJC Warrior Team
Powell, Gretna, La.; Mike Spence, Ne\\ton; Ber– nard Jordan , Louisville; Chip Foreman, Hickory; Brian Roach , Newton; and Mike Chaney, Hickory. Second row (Left to r ight): William Leach, Philadelphia; Eddie Dean , Carthage; Charlie Triplett , Louisville; Ben Lassetter, Forest; MacArthur McCully, Lo uisville; Wayne Suttle, Centerville, Ala. ; Willie Cates, Carthage; Bo Evans, Hickory; Anthony Brown, Louisville; Bernard Lee, Louisville; and Scott Griffin, Union. Third row (Left to right): Arthur McMillan , Newton; Jay Jones, Forest;, Mark Hawthorne,
Fourth row (Left to right): Luke Parks, Nanih Waiya, Chris Perry, Decatur; Barney Comans, Sebastopol; Jay Brown , Oxford, Ala.; Paul Reed, Nanih Waiya; Paul Scetfo, New Iberia, La.; Mike Gibbs, Newton; Lamar Cheatham, P hiladelphia; and Keith Henry, Mobile, Ala .; and Fifth row (Left to right): Mike Mason, Bir– mingham, Ala.; Larry Johnson , Nanih Waiya; Julius Ferrell, Chicago, Ill.; Keith Jordon, Louisville; David Gallaspy, Decatur; Calvin Har– per, Forest; Wes Knight, Philadelphia; and Billy Steadman of Morton.
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