Newspaper Clippings
ECJC to host five camps East Central Junior Col- 75225 will be in charge of this A cheerleader camp for lege will host five camps in camp. The cost to stay in the Junior and Senior high June and July. dorms is S85; commuter cost Cheerleaders will be held on Abasketball camp for boys is 545. July 7-10. The United States ages 10-18, will be held J une There will be two basket- Cheerleader Association 6-11. Herman Robinson will . ball camps for girls. The first (USCA) Camps All-American be in charge of the camp. one will be June 20-25 for Box 1356, East Lansing, Cost v.1ll be S85 for dorm girls entering grades 10-12. Michigan 48823 will be in students; $45 for commuters. The second camp will be July charge of this camp. The cost Deadline for registering is 11· 16 for girls entering is 574.90 for those who stay June 1. grades 7-9. Lucille Wood is in the dorm; commuter cost An auxiliary camp for flag in charge of both of these is 539.90. teams, rifle teams, dance camps. Cost for dorm stu- For complete information teams, drum majors and dents is SSS. Cost for com- on ~ach camp, .contact the twilers will begin on June 7 muter is SSO. There is a .ncividual or group in charge and end June 10. Marching special rate of S80 for a team of the camp you wish to Auxiliaries of America. P.O. that brings eight or more participate in. Box 25128, Dallas, Texas ,...,,.mh,.ro; y MAYA Z6 1982 _THE UNION APPEAL, UNION, MISSISSIPPI, WEDNESDA , • - ...
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