Newspaper Clippings
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8A-The Newton Record, Uecember IS . 19lSL
ECJC Men's Invitational Tournament
Ken Eiland with 13, Robert Gilliland with 12. Palma Jones with 11. Eddie Griffin with 10. and Stanley Di)(on with 10. Hawkins was high scorer for Clarke with 19 points. East Mississippi defeated Clarke in the consolation game on Tuesday evening with a 83-75 win. H igh scorer for East Mississippi was Anderson with 22 points and Hawkins was the high scorer for Clarke with 16. This win put East MiSSISSippi in third place for the tournament. The final game of the tournament was a thriller with East Central topping Jones 101-98 in five overtimes. Joe Kennamer scored 28 points in this game, the third game in which he has scored 28 points and his highest score for the season. Three other Warrior players had double figure scores, Leon Jackson hittinj;t 22. Palma ~nes with 23, and Donald Clayton
East Central Junior College Warriors hosted a Men's Invita– tional Tournament on the Decatur campus 'Nov. 22 and Nov. 23 and were the winners by defeating Jones Junior College 101-98 in the finals. In the opening game on Monday evening Jon;s defeated East Mississippi 55-49. High scorer for that game was Hus.,and of Jones with 14 points. East Central won decisively over Clarke College 97-80 in their first game to assure partjcipation in the fmals. East Central's Joe Kennamer was high scorer with 19 points followed by
-with 10. Darby was high scorer for Jones with 26 points. Both East Central men 's and women's teams will travel to Meridian on Dec. 11 for a pair of games but will not see any action over the holidays. They will host East Mississippi for the first game of the spring semester on J an. 4. Game time is 6:30 p.m. for the women's game with the men' s game to follow.
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