Newspaper Clippings
Sunday, December 12, 1982
THE 1\IERIDL\.'W STAR MJC Drops Pair .t o ECJC D ,.... . , - o;; ~111 Zimmerman --- Aaslstant Sports Editor 12 points for the ~gles, followed by David Harris and Kirk Pellerin with six points apiece.
Sharpshooter Joe Kennamer pumped in 29 ~i~ts to spark East. Central. Reserve Robert Gilliland added 12 pomts for the 7-4 Warriors followed by Leon Jackson with eight. ' • In the opening game, East Central outscored the Lady Eagles 12-2 in a five-minute span to take a 36-32 halftime lead. The Lady Warriors camped a t the free throw line in the first half, hitting 12 of 13 charity tosses. The Lady Eagles trailed the first 9 1 ,-2 minutes of the second half before making a big comeback. J erene Anderson scored on a layup with 9:25 left in the game to give the Lady Eagles a 54-52 lead. MJC never led again, but stayed close. Center Lori Carter sparked MJC down the str etch, scoring 10 points. The Lady Eagles were plagued by 20 turnovers en route to their seventh loss in 13 games. "We had too many crucial turnovers," said Lady Eagle coach Barbara Satcher. "Cold outside shooting also hurts us and we didn't get many of– fensive rebounds." Barbara Coleman led Meridian with 19 points. Marilyn Davis was next with 18 points to go along with 18 rebounds. Anderson followed with 13 points and Carter chipped in 10. Guard Pam Coleman sparked the Lady War– r iors with 23 points, 16 points in the second half. St:ephanie Townsend collected 16 points for the wmners, followed by Dorothy Jackson with 15 and Mattie Burnside with 12. "We played well tonight," said East Central coach Lucille Wood, whose Lady Warriors are Se· • •• · - Continued Fllm P age 10 d things happen for us.
Meridian Junior College basketball coach Redgate is still sear ching for a remedy for ICY fingers. Redgate's struggling Eagles have been plagued by cold shooting all season and there's no ap- parent relief in sight. The 2-9 Eagles couldn't hit the side of the pro– verbial barn here Saturday night, falling to East Central 60-54 for their fifth straight loss. In an earlier game, the Lady Eagles dropped a 74-68 decision to East Central's Lady Warriors. Meridian's men wer e their worst enemy , shooting a dismal 36 percent from the noo~ against a poised East Central team. T~e E~gles sh..>Oting was disastrous all night, especi!illY m the first half when the losers connected on JUSt seven of 24 shots from the floor . . "Our shooting in the first half beat us," sa!d Redagte. "When you shoot the ball the way we dtd tonight, you can' t beat anybody . . "We even missed four layups the first half. Poor shooting has been our problem all year." Redgate added "We played better the second half, but we still couldn' t hit our shots. A,~ least our defense stayed steady the whole game. . East Central led 35-24 at halftime. and e~Joyed comfor table 14-point leads several times midway in the second half. Sparked by some heads-up defensive play, the Eagles came alive late in the game. MJC pulled within five points three times in the last 2 1 ~ minutes. Center Byron Stevens was the l~ding s~orer f?r Meridian with 19 points. Bruce Milton chipped m
now 5-6 on the season. "Pam Coeman ma e olida s. We've only "It's good to win our last .gam! before ,the h lly l~king forward played three home games this seAson. We r~:asecond half of the to playing before the home folks more season." . n the road MondaY The Eagles and Lady Eagles play Hmds 0 ,
- ::: .·,_s.;.c:; ,G;: :=c, _______ night."
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