Newspaper Clippings
·~;E~ ----------~----- SCOTT COUNTY TIMES 7A ECJC Men's B asketball T eam The East Central Junior College men's basketball team members a re: ( left to right) Donald Clayton of PanamaCity, Florida, Leon J ackson ofNewton, LawrenceBeemonof Thomastown, Palma J ones of Car thage, Eddie Griffin ofWalnut Gr ove, Robert Gilliland of Louisville, J ames May of Thomastown, Glenn Armagos t of Panama City, Florida, Stanley Dixon of Quincy, F lorida, Milton McClendon of Forest, Allan Glover of E dinburg, J oe Kennamer of New Hope, Alabama, and Ken Eiland of Louisville. The ECJC Wa rrior team is coached by Steve Rives. f.EWTOi'l R:COHD ·--------- U~HOI, .~ PP:.c..L ·------- :o ------- :LP.R!ON-L~DG .i\'lPACT --------------------
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