Newspaper Clippings
Friday. November 11. 1983
EMJC Edges ECJC, 76-~4 . Jones Edges Clarke Twice SCOOBA - After falling behind m the _ third quarter, East Mississippi Junior NEWTON - Visiting Jones Junior Col- College rallied to win 76-64 over Eas~ Cen- lege took a pair of close basketball vic– tral Junior College here Thursday mght. tories over Clarke College here Thursday East Mississippi's Maurice Nelson and night Tim Caldwell led the Lions with 13 ·points Jones took the men's game 80-72 and the each while teammate Derrick Hardwell women's game 81-79. had 12. . . Clarke's men, 1-2, placed five players~ Darryl Figgers led the Warrior~ With ~8. double figures , led by Anthony McKenzie The game w~s held . to a five-pomt and Lorenzo McNichols with 16 poi~ts spread at half With the Lions ~:m top 38-33. each. Thomas Hawkins added 15 while East Central forged ahead With as much Franklin Buckley and Jimmy Perry had as a seven-point fead in the third quarter. 10 each. East Miss~ippi then came back to hold "We played poorly," said Clarke first- onto the wm. . . year coach Larry Gressett. . The Lady Lions had an easier time Clarke's women, 0-3, also placed five a~ainst the East Central women's team, players in the double figures. Hope Thorn- Winning 92~. ton Jed the way with 16 points, followed by East Mississippi's Gloria Coope~ led Elaine English with 14, J . Smith with 11 both teams with 29 points. Bndget and Ann Adkins and Elaine Nunley with Winston added 19 more to the East 10 . Mississippi total. . Both Jones team are 1-1. Joy Eichelberger led the LadyWarnors Clarke entertains Northwest Junior Col- with 14. lege Friday in its next action. Mea Mta &ASTNISSIS81PPI C7tl- Nelsen11, 1Urdwell12,Calc!welliS,Mixon IO. JO"ES IMI _ Bradford t f.t 22 Waahln&ton 1 H !, J::louJ)as S 1-12 13, S-nn,en7,McNalr7.Gibbo7, Waltont!Clartc3. ,..___• t G'U • McDonaldSI-21! FarlowH-410,HartfoeldSH5,BrowntHt,Picltens2 !AST tt"TRAI. INI - Fi&llora 18, Richardson 10, ......Ill , t o, 4-4 t • T1!um 4, Grllfllllt, McClendonS. f Is _ Eu ciAAK£ 1m _ Jia'kkina t H IS, Butkley 4 2·5 10, MeNichols 8 0.0 18, HaiiUme- &all Milllsatppj 38, East ~lral 33. Total ou 1 .,.,., s 4-4 10 Braxlon 00.1 o MeKenzie 5H 16 Housley 21·2 3. Milllsalppl !5, &aatCentr1120 Fouled out- &ast Mlsalsaippj Sweartnaen. Halftime sCor.: Jonea 42,' Clarke 38 Pouled OU" Clarke, Hawkins, Wal'- ·Eut Central -Garvin, Buckley Tolal Foull: Clarke 25, Joneo 19 W•rqe• M'omra lAST MI.S81SSIPPl IN)- Coope.o 29, Winston 19, Wri&hll2, Perry 8. JONES (II)_ Ray%Ht, JrbyOo-1 0, Vau&hnOHO,Saltera31·27, Wood Brown '· Buclthllter 4, Rich 4, Johna . - c ":: ~- :.:.. ·-y - •vr:s._______ TC . R::COP:_~-~-- ::R ) ,=, '1 ST~.R ---~---------- I i\;1 P.l\CT___-----------
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