Newspaper Clippings
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t J East Central Baseball Team
The East Central Junior College BasebaU team will close out the 1982season on Aprill7, with a double header In Ellisville against Jones County Junior College. Warrior team members include front row,left to right, Kenneth Sims ofMorton, Paul Oglesbee of Hickory, Jay Jones of Forest, Chris Burt of Philadelphia, and Robert Clark of Louisville; second row, left to right, Rent Moore of Waynesboro, Brian Roach of Newton, John Barhamof Philadelphia, Chris Clark of Decatur, and Chip Foreman of Hickory; third row, left to right, Terry Hartness of Noxapater, J3ck Donald of Morton, J eff Breland of Union, Steve Thomas of Union and Mark Lampkin of Morton; fourth row, left to right, Robert Smith of Union, Tod Wall of Decatur, and Jimmy Metts of.Louisville. David Bradberry is the Coach.
Wednesday, April 14, 1982 SCOTT COUNTY TIMES
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