Newspaper Clippings
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ECJC Falls I n Softball
Hickory had one bit each. East Central bolted tbe Hinds Eagles on April 2. Hinds w911 the first game 15-1 and the second game 10-0. Deborah Johnson of Walnut Grove was the pitcher for East Central in both games. Susan Bane of Louisville scored the only run for East Central.
The East Central Jr. College ladies softball team traveled to Wesson on March 31 where they were defeated by Copiah– Uncoln Jr. College 8-19 in the first game. The second game was canceled due to rain. Barbara Green of Wlanut Grove was the losing pitcher. Debbie McBeth of Union and Diane Jones of Carthage bad two hits. Dawn Haberle of Ptiladelplta, Dinah Williams of Carthage, J anice Trippe of IA!na and Debra Ptullips of
Wed(•etday, April 8, 1981 SCOTT COUNTY TIMES
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