IRE Statistical Compilation 2019
be located at the previous U.S. Motors plant, will provide students with competencies required to maintain a variety of industrial diesel equipment. Students can select between several pathways, including a career certificate, technical certificate, or an Associate of Applied Science degree. HEADWAE Honorees
Sociology instructor Pam Croswell of Union and sophomore liber- al arts major Mayowa “Mario” Asagunla from Hillcrest Christian School in Jackson were chosen as East Central Community College’s 2018-19 HEADWAE (Higher Education Appreciation Day – Working for Academic Excellence) honorees. The pair were honored February 26 at an Awards Luncheon in Jackson. They also visited the State Capitol and were recognized in each chamber of the Legislature.
Warrior POST Food Pantry ECCC held a ribbon-cutting ceremony February 12 for the Warrior POST (Providing Others Support Together) Food Pantry locat- ed in Room 211 of Tucker Applied Technology Center. The new food pantry, sponsored by the college’s Theta Chi Chapter of Phi Beta Lambda, provides free non-perishable food items and other life necessities to currently enrolled students with demonstrated need. Any person or organization can make donations of non-perishable food items and other necessities to the Warrior POST food pantry. Phi Beta Lambda is a national business education association for students interested in careers in business and busi- ness-related fields. It is the largest career student organization in the world. Black History Month Celebration East Central Community College held its annual Black History Month program February 20 in the Vickers Fine Arts Center audi- torium. Philadelphia Mayor James Young served as guest speaker. The ECCC Gospel Choir sponsors the Black History Program and also performed. MACJC Capitol Day ECCC students, faculty, and administrators participated in the annual Mississippi Association of Community and Junior Colleges’ Capitol Day February 27 in Jackson. In addition to attending two press conferences to promote funding needs of the state’s com- munity colleges, the students had the opportunity to meet privately with elected officials from the college’s five-county district. The group also toured the Capitol Building. East Central sophomore engineering major Josh Warnsley of Decatur was one of the speakers at the press conference. High School Soccer All-Stars For the first time, East Central Community College hosted a Central Mississippi High School All-Star Match at the Soccer Pitch on campus in Decatur. High school soccer coaches in the central Mississippi area picked the players who participated in both boys’ and girls’ matches. Humanities Instructor of the Year Chas Evans of Conehatta, guitar instructor and chair of the Fine Arts Division, was ECCC’s recipient of the Mississippi Human- ities Council 2018 Humanities Teacher of the Year Award. He was recognized on March 12 when he presented a special program titled “Song Anatomy” in Vickers Fine Arts Center auditorium. He was also honored at the Mississippi Humanities Council Public Humanities Awards Ceremony April 5 in Jackson. The award came with a $400 cash prize.
MARCH 2019 DECA State Awards
Three ECCC sophomore DECA students received awards during the state competition and advanced to international competition in Or- lando, Fla. Winners included Tori Ferguson of Decatur, second place in Financial Accounting; Chris Brown of Carthage, first place in Managerial Accounting; and Hunter Thrash of Philadelphia, second place in Marketing Management. DECA is an international associa- tion of high school and college students and teachers of marketing, management and entrepreneurship in business, finance, hospitality, and marketing sales and service. PBL State Honors Fourteen members of ECCC’s Theta Chi Chapter of Phi Beta Lamb- da participated in the 2019 State Leadership Conference and all placed first in their respective events, which qualified them for national competition scheduled in June in San Antonio, Texas. Theta Chi also received first place in raising funds for the March of Dimes,
East Central Community College – Scott County
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