2023 December Warrior web

EC Strengthens Support for Area Homeschooling Families East Central Community College is excited to announce its enhanced commitment to serving homeschooling fami lies in the five-county district. As part of its ongoing efforts to engage and support all members of the community, ECCC is increasing outreach and creating new opportuni ties for homeschooling families for the upcoming academic year. In a recent collaborative effort, members of the grass roots Central Mississippi Homeschool Support Group were welcomed to the ECCC campus. The meeting provided an opportunity to share insights into the unique needs of homeschooling families with the College’s Enrollment Man agement office. Vice President for Enrollment Management, Marie Rob erts, provided valuable information related to college ad missions topics specifically tailored to homeschool families. Additionally, she presented an overview of ECCC’s diverse course and program offerings, as well as scholarship op portunities. As a result of the constructive discussions and listening sessions, new opportunities have been identified for area homeschool families in the upcoming academic year. These include: Area Homeschool Kickoff: During August, the college hosted an exciting come-and-go style event at the Vickers Fine Arts building lobby featuring informational tables and resources and a recruiting table with information for stu dents and families. Homeschooling families from all around the area were invited to attend this free event. Social Event: In addition to academic support, ECCC aims to foster a sense of community among homeschooling fami lies. A social event is being planned to facilitate connections and networking opportunities. Dual Enrollment Course Schedule: ECCC will offer a dual enrollment program for homeschool students, allow ing them to earn college credits while still in high school, providing an excellent head start on their higher education journey. Spring Commencement Ceremony: Homeschool students who have successfully completed their studies at ECCC will be invited to participate in the spring commencement cer emony, celebrating their accomplishments with their peers. Morgan Goza of Newton County, a member of the area homeschooling community, expressed her excitement about this partnership, stating, “Our homeschool community is blessed to have East Central Community College as a re source and support system for our educational journey. For so long homeschool families had to travel to have a com munity [...] our families will not have to travel as far or miss

prom, graduation, and other social activities! I’m so excited to be a part of developing new aspects of homeschooling through our local community college.” For more information, please visit admissions.eccc.edu or contact Dr. Marie Roberts, Vice President for Enrollment Management, at mroberts@eccc.edu or 601-635-6375.



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