A student may repeat any course taken at East Central Community College or transferred credit that is recorded on his/her transcript. The highest grade earned in any repeated course will be the grade used for determining credit and the GPA applicable to graduation. The previous East Central course grade on the student’s transcript will remain on the transcript but will not count for or against the student in ascertaining graduation requirements or GPA. Students repeating transfer courses recorded on the ECCC transcript will be awarded credit for the highest grade, ECCC course or transfer course. Courses within specialized programs may adhere to a different grading system. STUDENTS’ RIGHT TO VIEW WORK Students who wish to review or contest a grade given on a particular assignment or set of assignments have the right to review said graded material. The student must request the material from the instructor of the respective course. Graded assignments will be available for students to view for one year after the due date of the assignment. Courses within specialized programs, defined as those with their own, board-approved Instructional Handbook, may adhere to a different viewing policy. In addition, state and/or national certification or accreditation guidelines on testing may limit the student’s ability to review graded material. CONTESTING FINAL GRADES Any student who wishes to contest a final grade for a course must first discuss the appeal with the instructor of that course. If this fails to resolve the contestation, the student must discuss the appeal with the instructor’s division chair/director/dean. If this also fails to resolve the contestation, the student must submit a formal appeal in writing and either hand-delivered or mailed to the Executive Vice President, East Central Community College, P.O. Box 129, Decatur, Mississippi 39327. All formal written appeals to the Executive Vice President must be received within one year of the last class meeting of the course in question. The decision of the Vice President for Instruction regarding the grade for the course will be final. HONOR ROLL Special recognition is given to full-time students performing outstanding work in their program emphasis areas. After each grading period, the Director of Admissions and Records will publish an Honor Roll consisting of the following categories (based on term grade point average (GPA)): President’s List ................................................................. 4.00 GPA
Dean’s List ........................................................................ .3.50 to 3.99 GPA Honorable Mention ......................................................... 3.00 to 3.49 GPA PRIOR LEARNING ASSESSMENTS
East Central has provisions for granting credit through Prior Learning Assessments (PLA). To earn credit for prior learning, a student must meet all admission requirements and be registered for classes at ECCC. Prior learning credits are not available for all ECCC courses. Credits earned through PLA will satisfy graduation
requirements at ECCC but may not transfer to another institution. The following prior learning methods are available for assessment: 1. Articulated Credit
2. Advanced Placement (AP) Examinations 3. College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
4. DSST Subject Standardized Test 5. Course Challenge Examinations
6. Military Services (e.g., Joint Services Transcripts) Articulated Credit for Career and Technical Programs
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