

This policy is adopted pursuant to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended (20 U.S.C. §1232g), and is not intended to impose any restrictions or grant any rights not specifically required by this Act. GRADES Grades will be electronically submitted through the College’s secure portal by the instructors at the midpoint of each semester. Grade reports will be available to the student at the College’s secure portal. The mid semester grade is a progress report and is not recorded on the student’s permanent record. At the end of the semester, instructors will electronically submit a final grade through the College’s secure portal. The final grade will be recorded on the student’s permanent record. Grade reports will be available to the student at the College’s secure portal. GRADING SYSTEM Quality points are based on the grade and number of hours credit for each course and are computed as follows: Grade Range Description Quality Points A 90-100 Excellent 4 quality points per semester hour B 80-89 Good 3 quality points per semester hour C 70-79 Average 2 quality points per semester hour D 60-69 Poor 1 quality point per semester hour F 59 & below Failure 0 quality points per semester hour Administrative Grades I Incomplete A grade of “I” (incomplete) may be submitted in lieu of a final grade when the student, because of illness, death in the student’s immediate family, or similar circumstances beyond the student’s control, is unable to complete the coursework or to take final examinations. An “incomplete” on final semester grades must be removed by completing the required work by the end of the first six weeks of the next semester or a grade of “F” will be recorded by the Director of Admissions and Records. The individual has the responsibility of making the necessary arrangements with the instructor concerned. AU Audit (No credit on hours attempted or earned) Z Non-Traditional Credit (Military, CLEP, DSST, and/or AP) W Withdrawal (Assigned for students with excessive absences or for students who drop a course prior to the posted deadline) P .Pass (Assigned to students who successfully pass a Course Challenge Exam for Experiential Learning) AF Academic Forgiveness (No credit on hours attempted or earned) XF Academic Dishonesty S Satisfactory


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