

permit to carry such pistols, firearms, guns, or other weapons. This prohibition includes pistols, firearms, guns, or other weapons in any form in vehicles on college premises. “Weapons in any form” include, but are not limited to, any weapon prohibited by law, any firearm, knife, razor or razor blade (except solely for personal shaving) or other device designated to be used as a weapon, including devices for firing blank cartridges or charges, or of any incendiary or explosive device or of stink bombs, tear gas or other dangerous chemicals, pellet or BB guns, bows and arrows, martial arts weapons or any other dangerous weapons as determined by the administration of the college. STUDENT IDENTIFICATION The student ID is the student’s official school identification. It must be presentable at all times and is to be shown for identification upon request of any school official. Lending of this card to anyone or failing to present it when requested by a school official is a violation of policy and subjects the holder to disciplinary actions. This ID must be presented when receiving a yearbook, voting in school elections, selling books in the bookstore, checking out library books, entering athletic events and activities, eating in the cafeteria or grill, entering the Warrior Wellness Center, and conducting all business office transactions. This ID becomes void upon termination of enrollment. Lost IDs should be reported to the Vice President for Student Services’ office. There will be a replacement fee. UNSATISFACTORY CONDUCT Upon enrollment each student is provided access to a Student Handbook in which the rules and regulations governing student conduct are listed in detail. Violations, which could result in suspension from college, will require that the student appear before the Discipline Committee, while violations that are not cause for suspension will be handled by the appropriate authorities. ADULT EDUCATION PROGRAM East Central Community College conducts adult education instruction at sites in Leake, Neshoba, Newton, Scott, and Winston counties. Classes are available to the general public in literacy training, high school equivalency preparation and English as a Second Language. Adult education classes are free. Class locations include Forest, Decatur, Carthage, Louisville and Philadelphia. Day and night classes are available in each location. High school equivalency testing is available on the Decatur campus Monday through Friday and one Saturday each month that the College is in session. Testing is also available in Choctaw at the Integrated Technologies Training Center. There is a testing fee associated with each high school equivalency test. This testing fee is waived for those students enrolled in East Central Community College high school equivalency preparation classes meeting attendance requirements. CHILDCARE LABORATORY The East Central Early Childhood Education Technology program operates a licensed, on-site childcare center for the laboratory training of students majoring in the field. The center operates during the fall and spring semesters. It is open to ECCC employees and students’ children. There is a minimum fee. The facility is located on 10th Street. SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER The Small Business Development Center offers workshops throughout the district at locations convenient to the small business community. The topics of these programs are designed to address many aspects of operating and maintaining a small business profitably. Topics may include: starting a small business, customer service, marketing, financial management and/or developing a business plan.


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