to earn the associate degree and subsequently transfer to an IHL university. This agreement is designed to allow these students to transfer credits earned at an IHL university to a MCCB community/junior college and provide them the opportunity to complete the MCCB community/junior college associate degree, without interrupting matriculation towards a baccalaureate degree. For more information on Reverse Transfer, contact the Office of Admissions and Records or refer to POLICY 413.4, REVERSE TRANSFER POLICY. STUDENT TRANSCRIPT REQUEST A student may obtain a paper copy of his/her official college transcript by submitting a written request form to the Office of Admissions and Records in the Eddie M. Smith Student Union Building. A transcript processing fee will be charged. A student may also request an electronic copy of his/her college transcript. Transcripts may be ordered online by completing the online request form through the East Central Community College website, www.eccc. edu. The student must have a valid debit/credit card to order a transcript online. Official college transcripts cannot be faxed. A student may obtain an unofficial college transcript through his/her myEC account. No official transcript will be furnished until the student has resolved any hold placed on his/her student account. COUNSELING, GUIDANCE, STUDENT SUCCESS East Central Community College is totally committed to providing the service of professionally-trained guidance personnel to all of its students. The purpose of the guidance program is to provide students professional assistance in deciding academic, career, and personal questions, especially as they involve their college life. The Vice President of Student Services has overall supervision and coordination of counseling, extra-curricular activities, and religious development. The Vice President for Enrollment Management oversees student success professionals providing instructional and navigational support services. In addition, two full-time instructional counselors are employed by the College and report to the Executive Vice President. Also, faculty members serve as academic advisors in their particular area. Advisors are selected from the teaching faculty according to curricula. Faculty members are well qualified to assist the students in their career planning. Each student upon entering selects a course of study with the aid of one of the advisors. Students are urged to keep in touch with their Advisor on matters pertaining to their educational careers. By careful planning, the students can find and pursue the course of study that will be most helpful in their chosen professions. Each student is thus aided in choosing a vocation for which the student is best suited. Personal problems should be referred to the Vice President of Student Services or one of the professionally qualified guidance counselors. Students with disabilities should contact the Director of Student Success for possible accommodations. FIREARMS, GUNS, AND WEAPONS ON CAMPUS The Board of Trustees of East Central Community College recognizes that the possession of pistols, firearms, guns, or other weapons in any form on college premises or at college functions by persons other than duly authorized law enforcement officials creates unreasonable and unwarranted risk of injury or death to the College’s employees, students, visitors, and guests. Furthermore, the possession of pistols, firearms, guns, or other weapons in any form on college premises or at college functions by persons other than duly authorized law enforcement officials creates an unreasonable and unwarranted risk of damage to properties of the College, the College’s employees, students, visitors, and guests. Because of such risks and dangers, the Board hereby prohibits the possession of pistols, firearms, guns, or other weapons in any form by any person other than duly authorized law enforcement officials and the College’s police force on the College’s premises or at functions, regardless of whether any such person possesses a valid
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