2016 Combined
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RECRUITlh" 4 from NCHS sign with ECCC baseball
special day for his seniors. 'We are very proud of these guys," TuJJos said. "They have worked hard over the years and are veiy deserving of this. Coach Holliman is ex cited to get them and he is getting four good ones. They all bring a little something dif ferent to tbe table." Edwards may be the steal of the group. The shortstop/pitcher hit .398 as a junior with 33 runs scored and 16 RBis. He had 19 stolen bases. He bas a .366 career average since the eighth grade and has scored 133 runs on 164 bits and has 81 career stolen bases. On the
By Robbie Robertson sports@newtoncountyappeal.com
Four Newton County play ers will continue their base ball trek together, taking their talents to East Central Community College. Jacob Edwards, Cain Cleveland, Tanner Elders and John Ross Griffin all signed on Wednesday to play base ball for Neil Holliman at East Central. It was a special day for tbe four young men, who have been playing together since they were four years old. All four played on all-star teams through the years. Newton County coach Wyatt Tullos said 'it was a
\/ewton County baseball players J ohn Ross Griffin, Tanner Elders, Jacob Edwards and Caln Cleveland all sign letters of intent to play baseball at East Central Com mUlllty College on Jan. 20. Brent Muzet rhe Newton County Appeal I
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