2016 Combined
WEEK OF \·1-/Y l/(o
He 1217/2016 Hernando's Ross signs with East Central for baseball Courtesy photo Updated 22 hrs ago Wiit Ross of Hernando High School signed a baseball scholarslup wilh East Central Communrty College. Ross, a lhrrd baseman and right handed pitcher, Is piclured wilh, from left. pnnclpal Freddie Joseph, head coach David Lara and assistant coach Chns Haley. Counesy photo 1PPEARED IN: :ARTHAGINIAN _______ IEWTON COUNTY APPEAL ___ PIRIT OF MORTON _____ iERIDIAN STAR ______ ITHER cAestmS'"hmts .ep'N\ NESHOBA DEMOCRAT _ _ _ _ SCOTT COUNTY.J:tMES ---- WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL __ '• CLARION-LEDGER _____ _ '•
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