2016 Combined
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practice has all paid off. It was a lot of relief when I committed and when I signed because I know I can enjoy my senior season and know I don't have to try to go out and impress anybody."
Tapleysaid he remembers having fun as a freshman at a showcase e'"ent at Mississippi Delta C.C. He said Mississippi Delta seemed to be at all of his tra\·el ball tournaments with the Mississippi Drillers, a team based out of Meridian, and that he hoped coach Michael Avalon would offer him a scholarship. He said his summer ball coach told him that Mississippi Delta likely would make that offer, which came just after the 2015-16 high school year started.
wit felt good. It felt like all of the hard work and working out paid off and you were getting the chance to play at the next level," Tapley said.
Tapleysaid baseball has been the sport he hoped to play in college ever since his freshman year. He said he has traveled throughout the region \•ith the Drillers and Team Mississippi, which is based out ofMathiston, in an effort to build his resume. Tapley said he hopes to get an opportunity to pitch and to play third base in college. He said his success at the plate in the summer helped him secure a scholarship opportunity. That being said, Tapley and Griffin also know they will have to work even harder to have the same kind of success in college. Coach Griffin doesn't feel that ''"ill be a problem because he has seen both players rise to each challenge. He believes the chance to play at Mississippi Delta C.C. and East Central C.C. "ill moth'3te both young men to prove they belong. "We know they can play with them because they have proven it the last two summers playing at that level," Griffin said. "I think these two kids are just as much of an athlete as someone who plays at a 2.A or a JA school (in the Mississippi High School Activities Association). "It feels good. We have had a lot of kids with athletic ability leave here to go to public schools for sports, so it does feel good. In my mind, it tells others we can do the same thing. We can compete and do the same thing you can do."
But Griffin said e,·ecy1hing goes back to the hard work, dedication, and commitment Tapley and Payton have shown in their high school careers to make their dreams become reality.
Follow Dispatch sports editor Adam Minichino @ctspartseditor
Adam Minichino is the Sports editor for The Commercial Dispatch
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