2016 Combined
Report card shows high marks for East Central CC In accordanco with M1ss1ssip1>i Jlousc Bill No. I071 community/junior colleges lnfonnation contained in the awarded were other areas in "'hich EC'CC' contmued to from the 20l0 legislative session:E.1st Central Commu- rcpon includes student enrollment, degrees a\\arded, stu- be a leader m the state. nity Colle.ge in Decatur has released its 2014 Conununity dent success, student rctel}tion, student progress, work- "The 2014 Report Card documents that f CC'C is co11- J \ College Perfonnancc Profile. or Report Card force development infom11tion, and General Education tinuing to do many things well as we fulfill our 2020 I The bill created an Education Achievement Council Diploma programs, and udull basic education statistics, Vision strategic plan," said President Dr. Billy Stewart whil h was established to set education achievement as well as enrollment and success in development or "We arc very prnud of that and look to strengthen those goal.. for institutions of higher learning and community remedial coursework (college readiness). aspucts of our vision and mission that rank above tbe · and Junior colleges in the state and to assist in monitoring In the 2014 Community College Report Card, East state average. However, as it does each year, the Report \ progress towards those goals through the preparation of Central compared well against state averages in numer- Card has identified areas ofimprovement for ourcolh:~; 1 annu:1l institutional and state report cards. ous categories. East Central achieved elite status in the Likewise, we look forward to working with faculty, staff, The Community College Report Card, designed to area ofstudent success, particularly excelling in the areas and students to improve in those areas as ECCC stnves reflect the unique mission of community colleges, incor- of Associate of Arts graduation rates and preparing stu- to become nationally recognized and locally prefcn ·d" pomtc~s measures closely aligned with the Voluntary dents to transfer to four-year institutions. Stewart continued, "the overall results of the R ·port Framework of Accountability developed by the Ameri- Overall student n.:tention within for-credit programs, Card demonstrate that ECCC is making progress in many can Association ofCommunity Colleges. Therefore, each the number of students served in workforce training areas that enable our students to experience an exc•!llcnt 1eport card includes information for the specific. commu- activities, the numbe1 of students experiencing increases postsecondary education right here at home." nity or Junior college, along with corresponding figures 111 wages as well as the percentage increase in wages after The Report Card can be found on the college's wcb for the state system, which includes all 15 Mississippi training from East Central. and the number of GFDs site at \VW\\'.eccc.edu/consumer-information.
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