2016 Combined
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nstmction equipment from J & J Contractors, of Meridian, has started work building the parking lot and the foundation ·the new women's dorm at East Central Community College. · Demetrius Thompson/l'he Appeal ~CCC experiences one ofits best years on record
changes made in the 2015-16 with the four-day or go back to school year, moving from a five..: the five day sometime in the day class schedule to a four-day spring 2017."
:ast Central Community Col- schedule, has been embraced by
Because the school continues
I cannot brag enough about the folks at East Central in the way that they've embraced this.
~ recently completed ar- the students, faculty and staff so to increase in enrollment each ibly its most successful year far in its test run and unexpect- year, construction on a new it Billy Stewart said the crease in new ECCC students begun on Sixth Street, next to ool might have even better which includes transfers. Erma Lee Barber Hall. he school just completed the schedule to increase enrollment. tion is July 15, 2017. It is ouran 5-16 school year in which it 11 it's a byproduct of the change, ticipation, barring any weather its largest graduating class then that's fine, but the purpose delays that in the fall of 2017 it i 597 students receivingtheir is to try to help students be sue- will be open for occupancy," omas in May. The schoolalso cessful and what we've seen is Stewart said. ts 88-year history and Presi- ed1y resulted in a 15 percent in- thr~story women's dorm has -s ahead. "We did not go to a 4-day class "The target date for comple ire nine of its 10 varsity folks have, the better they per- ·we had 143 females on the wait- rts teams advanced to post- form," Stewart said. "Initial re- ing list already, and it's the most son play with six of them action is very positive we will we've ever had at that time on 1gnationallyranked at some· continue to evaluate it this fall. · 1t in their season. We will be making a recommen- ;ewart said that one of thA nation to thfl hnAT'li tn i:oithi>» don ( AA t:;........:.,.... OA · a lot of success in athletics that the more time on-bisk that "At the June board meeting,
Billy Stewart
ECCC President on implementing a tobacoo-free campus
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