2016 Combined
WEEK OF (c- 17.. -/lo Most Mississippi community colleges raise fees
Posted: Thu 12:46 PM, Jun 16, 2016 I Updated: Thu 12:28 PM, Jun 16, 2016 JACKSON, Miss. {AP) Tuition at Mississippi's 15 community and junior colleges will rise almost 7% on average this fall.
Thirteen of the independently governed schools will raise charges on students this fall.
Tuition will remain level at Meridian Community College. East central Community College is raising tuition by less than 1%. East Mississippi Community College is raising it by 9%. Figures from the state Community College Board show average tuition will rise to $2,748 annually, up from $2,577 last year.
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College will charge the most, $3,040 for two semesters of full-time classes.
The increases come as state funding to community colleges falls 2 percent in the budget beginning July 1. The decrease of $5 million cuts state aid to $258 million. That remains below the level required by state law.
Tuition continues to rise faster than inflation and incomes.
Af · Coahoma: $2,500, 8.7%
• Copiah-Lincoln: $2,730. 7.1% CJ - East Central: $2,230, 0.9% • East Mississippi: $2,840, 9% NE · Hinds: $2,600, 4% SF • Holmes: $2,360, 3.1% ME · Itawamba: $2,400, unchanged • Jones: $2,722, unchanged OlHt:K v '
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