2016 Combined
WEEK-OF . 5-\- \.(Q
East Central lists 2015-16 graduates Scores of area students ing ceremonies include: Kasha Bloodsaw, Krystan are listed among those Carthage; Hunter Leah Bolton, Jennifer expected to receive Brown, Thomas Weston Lynn Burns, Amber Hay degrees at East Central Brown, Joseph Burgess, ley Chandl~r, Lauren Tay Community College this Demetrius Shantez Clark, lor Copeland, spring. Chelsea Ray, Jean Cleve- Ashland Brooke Elling President Dr. Billy land, :Mia Coleman, Emily ton, Jasmine KeAnna Stewart said the college Delana Crane, Kristen Nicole Jones, Shelly could have another record Chipley Dowell, Rebecca Kyzar, Molly A. graduating class, with Ariel Claress Enoch, Neal, Dekendrick Darvege more than 600 students Philip Wayne Evans, Rushing, Todd Smith, applying to graduate Haley Ezelle, Taurus Edward Spivey, Dez Friday, May 6. Gr·ay, Jaman Green, mon Summers, Carrie Vir It will be the institu- Evangeline Turner Har- g1ma Summers-Jones, tion's 87th cornmencemen- vey, Ravion Xavior Henry, Erin Thornton, Brittany tand will start at 6 p.m. in Keanu L. Hoye, Thrash and William the Neshoba County Wesley Kyle Jelen, Wragg; Coliseum in Philadelphia. Shannon Keene, Tristen Sebastopool; Ashley This year's commence- King, Austin Moss, Ryan Barber, Nathanael Hall ment will also be available Shayne Moss, Darnell Barber, Natalie Jane for viewing on live stream Veshion Artez Mynck, Guidry and Cody Brown video by visiting ECCC's Taylor Gene Nazary, Shaw; website at www.eccc.edu. - 7nomas Nazary, Josh- Harperville; Louis Tol East Central had its ua Peoples, Madie Pigg, bert, Jr. largest graduating class Kaitlin Pittman, Candace December graduates in history in May 2015 Mae Reeves, Enoc Pablo included: when 568 students Reynoso, Letecia M. Carthage; MaChasity received diplomas or cer- Rome, Kayla Jean Searcy, S. Leflore, Vincent Her tificates. Lillian Nichole Shuler, nandez May, Johnny Lee Candidates for upcom- Jimmy Lee Tangle, Jr., Stephens III and Calvin Chloe Thaggard, Jessie Trevon Tate; McCleary Verry, Brandon Lean; Lorrie Kate Wilcher, Keely Lynn Wil- Moore; cher, Corey Wilder and Walnut Grove; Lauren
Delia Q. Wilder;
Taylor Copeland, Alexis ___
Lena; Blake Barnes, Alfredo and Shelly Dowell, Randell Tatyana Li'tiese Johnson. Flore:;
Brice Morgan, Mya Coce-
--------- der Smith and Casaundra included.
Walnut Grove; Hannah ---
White Lena;
Walnut Grove; Aleiaha Elizabeth Kersgaard.
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