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TIANY OL Y£R · APRIL 21, 2016
DECATUR, Miss. (PRESS RELEASE) - East Central Community College faculty and staff members Vicki Blaylock, Tina Harris and Or. Evadna Lyons are each looking forward to new and varied activities when they retire at the end of the 2015-16 term.
Blaylock joined t he ECCC staff as choral director/vocal instructor in 2000 and also serves as Fine Arts Division chairperson.
She has completed 33 total years in the field of education.
As with 1
, "'ho have worked in education for so long, Blaylock said it's the students and her
colleagues she will miss most.
"Retirement is bittersweet," she said.
"East Central has two great things: wonderful students and great people working here. It will seem strange to give up my identity as someone's music teacher. That may be the hardest adjustment but life is comprised of chapters and it is time for me to move to the next chapter."
Those students have also been the best part of her job.
"The thing I have enjoyed most is teaching music to my students and watching them grow to produce a musical program that touches others."
She added, "If I could give advice to my students it would be to choose a career that you enjoy getting up and doing each day. That has been the biggest blessing for me. For me, my work as a music educator was not a job. It was fun every day."
Her retirement plans include family, church and hobbies.
"I look forward to visiting my parents, my 96-year-old grandmother, my sister and others. I plan to get more involved with church activities and spend time with my hobbies, including reading, refinishing furniture and playing my new grand piano."
After her husband, Ronnie, retires, Blaylock said they plan to retire to western North Carolina and hope to volunteer with the Red Cross.
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