2016 Combined
WEEK-OF Final Plans set for ECCC's first WarriorFest family event on Friday
DECATLR- Excitement con· t; rtues to build for East Central Community College's first Warrior Fest on Friday, on the ECCC campus. Designed for all ages, the event will be from 6 p.m. to mid· night on the north end of campus near the ECCC Pavilion and Lake. ''With the postponement of the college's Warrior Wonderland in December so that our football team, band, cheerleaders, and fans could participate in a bowl game in Texas, WarriorFest is another opportunity for East Central to host our local communities for an evening of fun, food, and fellow· ship on our campus," said ECCC President Dr. Billy Stewart. "Our alumni association and many other members of our college family have put together an inaugural event that will provide family fun for all ages." There is still time to register for both the 5-K Nite·Glow Run/Walk, sponsored by Community Bank, Inn the Oaks and Junction Delis, as well as the Battle of the Bands, sponsored by MaxxSouth. Regis· tration for both events, as well armbands for entrance into War riorFest, can be purchased online at www.eccc.edu/warriorfest. Those attending also can purchase WarriorFest armbands lhe day of the event. The 5-K Nite·Glow Run/Walk wilJ begin at dark. All participants will receive medals, and prizes will be awarded to the top finishers in various divisions. The registration fee for the 5K Nite·Glow Run is $25 pE>r perc;on or ~15 for <:tudentc; and includes a tn;c WarriorFest adm1s·
What: WamorFest When: Friday. from 6 p.m.-mid night Where: East Central Community College, Decatur Admission: Admission to War norFest 1s $10 per person: chil· drcn 3 and under admitted free. ECCC students, faculty and staff will be admitted free with valid school ID. Additional information: Con· tact David LeBlanc, director of alumni relations and the foun· dation at East Central Commu· nity College. at 601-tv n21 or dlphl'.r•rr.-
A Festival Food Court will be open st lrtmg at 11 a.m. otfenng chicken-on-a-stick, corn dogs, funnel cakes, sausage dogs, trench fries, philly steak sandwiches, and other food items. Admission includes all activities except the registration fee for the 5-K Nite·Glow Run/Walk, band entry fee into the Battle of the Bands, raffle tickets for the Golf Ball Drop, and Festival Food Court items. All proceeds benefit the ECCC Alumni Association. The nationally ranked East Cen· tral Lady Diamond Warrior softbaJI team will host rival East Missis· sippi Community College prior to WarriorFest. Those games are scheduled for 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. at the Softball Park on the ECCC campus. There is no admission for the softball games.
sion arm band The 1 hl. ~ht 01 Warnorh st will be the Battle of the Bands. There will be a $500 prize to the winning band. The featured band will be 5 Finger Discount out of New Orleans, La. The fee to enter a band in the Battle of the Bands is $50. There will be many other activi· ties throughout the evening, including a Hot Air Balloon Glow; a KidZone, sponsored by The Citi zens Bank and Piggly Wiggly of Collinsville, with rides and inflata· bles throughout the evening; and a fireworks display over the lake. There will be a Golf Ball Drop fundraiser with chances to win $1.000 and $500. Participants do not have to be present to win Tickets are $10 each and can be purchased online or at the event.
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