2016 Combined
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ECCC's inaugural WarriorFest is scheduled for April 8
There also will be a Golf Ball Drop fundraiser "'1th ChancP"- v.'!l. . J and $000. Participants dQ not have to be present to win. A Festival Food Court will be open starting at 11 a.m. of fering chicken-on-a-stick, corn dogs, funnel cakes, sausage dogs, french fries, philly steak sandwiches, and other food items. "With the postponement of the college's Warrior Wonder land in December so that our football team, band, cheer leaders, and fans could partic ipate In a bowl game in Texas, WarriorFest is another oppor tunity for East Central to host our local communities for an evening of fun, food, and fel lowship on our campus," said ECCC President Dr. Billy Stewart. "OurAlumni Associ ation and many other mem bers of our college family have put together an inaugural event that will provide family
I he fee to enter a band in the Battle of the Bands is $50. Raffle tickets for the Golf Ball Drop are $10 each. All proceeds benefit tbc ECCC Alumni Association. The nationally ranked East Central Lady Diamond War rior softball team will host rival East Mississippi Com munJty College prior to War riorFest on April 8. Those games are scheduled for 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. at the Softball Park on the ECCC campus. There is no admis sion for the softball games. For a complete schedule of events or to pre-purchase ad mission arm bands to War riorFest 2016, register for the 5-K Nlte-Olow Run/Walk, reg ister to participate in the Bat tle of the Bands, and purchase raffle tickets for the Golf Ball Drop, visit ""'W.e<'l'.C Pdu" arrior st.
By ECCC Med'ia Relations
' l - r , , • 1 ' lo~// ' FEST or ages. Admission to WarriorFest is $10 per person; children tliree and under are admit ted free. ECCC students, faculty and staff will be ad mitted free witb valid scbool ID. AdmJssion includes all ac tivities except the registra tion fee for the 5-K Nite-Olow Run/Walk, band entry fee into the Battle of the Bands, raffle tickets for the Goll Ball Drop, and Fes tival Food Court items. The registration fee for the 5K Nite-Olow Run is $25 per person or $15 for stu d • ~d includes a free Warrior est admission arm band.
A Hot Air Balloon Glow, 5K Nite-Olow Run/Walk, Kid Zone, Battle of the Bands and fireworks are just part of the fun scheduled for East Cen tral Community College's first annual WarriorFest on Fri day, April 8, on the ECCC campus in Decatur. The event designed for all ages will be from 6 p.m. to Midnight on the north end of campus near the ECCC Pavil ion and Lake area. There will be activities throughout the evening, in cluding a Hot Air Balloon Glow. A 5-K Nite-Olow RUD/Walk will begin at dark with medals awarded to all participants and prizes to the top finishers in various divi sions. There also will be aKid Zone throughout the evening and fireworks after dark. The highlight of Warrior Fest will be the Battle of the Bands. There will be a $500 prize to the winning band. The featured band will be 5 Pinger Di"count out of New Orlean , La
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