2016 Combined
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East Central CC's 'Cultural Ms' Series to feature visual artist Leyva
nect what is universal among all people. Some locations she bas shown at are Buena Vista University, Gallery V, Co lumbia Museum of Art, Uni versity of South Carolina, and City Art. Leyva received her Bach elor's of Fine Art in Iowa from Buena Vista Unjver sity in 2012 and her Mas ter's of Fine Art in 2015 from the University of South Carolina: School of Visual Art and Design. She currently resides in Madison, Wis., where she volunteers and teaches at VSA: The State Organiza tion on Arts and Disability, while also balancing time with a Custom Frame Shop. Additional Cultural Arts Series events include: • March 17-19 - Encore Players present "The Ad dams Family," 7 p.m. nightly, Vickers Fine Arts
Auditorium, Tickets are $10. To purchase tickets, call 601-635-2111 • April 11 - The Colle gians, 7 p.m., Huff Audito rium, free admission • April 14 - Jazz Band Concert, 6:30 p.m., Vickers Fine Arts Auditorium, free admission • April 26 - EC Concert CboirNOCE concert, 7 p.m., Huff Auditorium, free ad mission • April 28 - Night O' Per cussion, 6:30 p.m., Huff Au ditorium, free admission. The Cultural Arts Series began as a way to bring performing artists and vi sual artists to the campus throughout the year for both EC students and the community, according to Vicki Blaylock, ECCC Fine Arts Department chair. For more information, contact Blaylock at 601 635-6225 or e-mail vblay lock@eccc.edu.
By ECCC Media P.elltions
East Central Community College continues its Cul tural Arts Series with a presentation by visual artist LeeReyna Lopez Leyva at 2:25 p.m. Thurs day, March 10, in the Vick ers Fine Arts Center on the Decatur campus. Leyva creates three-di mensional drawings that capture deteriorating forms inspired by the interior components of the human body. Her work explores the re lationship between drawing and sculpture as an experi mental expression. These three-dimensional drawings become both an interpretation of an experi ence from the Gross Anatomy Lab at the Univer sity of South Carolina and a representation of internal forms of the body. Through deterioration, memory, and surface she hopes to con-
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